Agape  Co'op

Welcome to Agape!

Hello & Welcome to Agape!

We are:

A Group - As an inclusive group we serve all homeschooling families in the south east region of southern Houston, TX. We host field-trips, events, activities, meet-ups & more! Available to all homeschooling families! There is a $20 fee to join the group per family gaining you unlimited access to our event calendar.            

A Co’op - Our exclusive co’op meets on Fridays from 9:30am - 3:30pm in the League City/Kemah area. The 2024/2025 classes include: Theology, Spanish, Science & Art History. All classes are included for every child. We enroll Nursery - Junior High/High School. The enrollment fee is $250 per family/per year. 

A Non-Profit - as a 501c3 non-profit we’re committed to serving our community by helping homeschooling families, hosting free activities, encouraging growth in literacy & sciences, & providing events for children to make friends! We appreciate being supporting by our community through their generous donations. If you would like to make a donation, please scan the QR code below or contact the owner directly. Thank you!  

If you have any questions, or would like to schedule a one-on-one meet up, please contact us at [email protected]

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Our website is made possible by: Taylored Vinyl!  This amazing local gem is my only spot for HTV vinyl, Glitter, acrylic molds, t-shirts & more.

Thank you, Beth, for all your support throughout the years! 

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